1) Atala, a SaaS ERP, is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that runs in the cloud, allowing the company’s end-users to access the software over the internet.Compared with on-premises ERP, it can reduce IT costs and overhead while keeping all users on the latest version of the software. Like all other SaaS products, Atala is managed by Noor Nibras Software House (N2SH). Atala is a subscription service, and N2SH bills customers on a monthly or annual basis. Technology spending is lower with Atala. In addition to savings realized by not purchasing hardware to run a private instance of the system, a business doesn’t need a large IT team to maintain and secure the software or a data center in which to host it.
2) Miz@n is a B2B and B2C platform.
The main modules of Miz@n are i) B2B eCommerce; ii) eProcurement (B2C); iii) Integration with external databases/datasets, and iv) Artificial Intelligence (AI) functionalities for B2C and B2B eCommerce. The objectives of Noor Nibras Software House (N2SH) is to setup a platform that allows fast and seamless business to business transactions “B2B” through i) publishing requirements: request for proposal (RFP), request for quotations (RFQ); etc; ii) offering goods, works and services; and iii) business will register to the system and pay a fee (monthly or annual).
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Smart Solutions
Produits apparentés
Etiquettes : AI, ML, NLP, DL, B2B, B2C, BI, Analytics, Mobile Apps